2008年10月21日 星期二

How have you been?

We have known each other for over ten years. You are considerate and kind. Whenever I fall into depression, you will always stand by my side and give me comforts. What an unclouded girl you are! You always wear a cheerful smile on your face. Besides, you have good sense of humor and always make me laugh.

Did you remember the first time we met? I remembered it was a rainy day. When I on my way home from school, I lost my way. I squatted down by the road to take a rest. Suddenly, a violent dog showed up and kept barking at me. I was too afraid to move one step. I couldn’t find a safe place to hide myself. At that very moment, you appeared and took me away from there. We kept running until we got home. You asked me “Are you alright?” and gave me an affectionate embrace. From then on, we have been the best friends.

You have been to the U.S for about two months. How have you been? According to your personality, I believe you can adapt yourself to the new conditions, right?

2008年10月14日 星期二

What I've learned

Since I entered Shih Chien University.; I have learned a lot of things, such as how to manage my time and how to prepare a good presentation. For me, the most important thing I learned is how to deal with people through team work. In a group, everyone has his/her own opinion. If everyone insists on what they said is right, “team work” is meaningless. So, to communicate with each other is an important also a good way to reach joint decision. Just as the saying goes, it’s easy to break a chopstick but harder to break them.

2008年10月3日 星期五

my school life

Since I become a junior, I’m busier than before. Everyday, there are a great pile of homework and reports waiting for me. I don’t have enough time to solve them. Time after time, day after day, I’m almost drowned by schoolwork.

I think I should have more time to learn more different things. I want to develop my potential ability, not just limited by the reports or homework. I’m not mean that I don’t learn anything from class or school, I just want some time to think more about my future.

In the following days, I hope I can take control of my time. I would like to appreciate various types of activities, shows or exhibitions about differences between culture and culture. In short, I don’t want to be just confined by the schoolwork but to find something interesting about life.